Meet REACH Founder

Lovely People!

My name is Tiffany Cook, founder of REACH College Advising LLC. I am in a new phase of my life that I titled “Trusting in God, investing in me, pursuing my passions FEARLESSLY!

After working for the last 6 years in both the college and high school setting supporting students on their journey to college, I decided to invest in my dream of starting my own college advising business. I am a passionate educator who, like many students around the world had no clue how to navigate the complex college admissions and matriculation process. If it were not for my mentor I met on a college tour in high school I am not sure I would be where I am today.

REACH was founded because I have spent time after time advising college and high school students on their path to and through college. Regardless of the student, I realize many lack confidence in their ability to go to not only get into college but to succeed confidently while attending. I have found great reward in serving students in the school setting and desired to provide more one-on-one advising to students and families.

A few facts about me:

  • My faith is very important to me

  • I am a wife and first-time mom

  • I am a fraternal twin to a sister who is 1 minute older than me

  • I love to sing

  • I am a true foodie!

I cannot wait to learn more about you!



  • Howard University, BA Communication, and Culture: Speech and Applied Communications

  • The University of Texas at San Antonio, M.Ed. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies:
    Higher Education Administration concentration