Invest in Your Future With REACH

  • The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) recommend a student-to-counselor ratio of 250:1.

  • The current national high school student-to-counselor ratio averages 482:1 — nearly double the recommended ratio.

  • A private College Advisor allows students to receive individualized support in their college and post-graduation plans, thus setting them up for better success after graduation!

REACH College Advising offers one-on-one college prep advising for students who want a personalized plan of action to tackle the competitive college admissions process.

If one-on-one college prep advising does not fit your needs, consider our 60-minute college prep advising sessions. 

  • 60-Minute College Advising Strategy Sessions ($150)

    A college advising session might be perfect if the group college prep program isn't right for you! These 1-1 60-minute college advising sessions allow you to zero in on one topic and receive undivided attention from a trained College Advisor.

    Topics can include but are not limited to:

    ​How to maximize high school (9th and 10th graders)
    Where do I start in the college process
    Post High School Planning
    College Essay Strategy
    Scholarship Search
    Transfer Admissions
    Academic Profile & Extracurricular Assessment
    College Interview Prep, Resume Building College Visit Tips & Preparation
    Financial Aid

  • College Essay Review ($175)

    REACH offers college essay reviews for students in the beginning stages of writing their essays or those who need one last review before submitting. This includes one round of essay feedback.

    A link will be sent to the student to upload their chosen essay. The essay will then be reviewed within 24 hours, and the student will be provided comments and feedback directly on the essay. The student will have access to REACH via Google Docs to ask questions within 24 hours.

    The student will be notified via email once the essay review is ready.

    *If you need a more in-depth essay review, consider booking a 60-minute strategy session.

  • On-on-One College Prep Advising

    REACH offers three one-on-one college advising packages students can choose from based on the level of support they need. During one-on-one advising students receive guidance every step of the way in the college application process.

    Depending on the package chosen this could include:

    Bi-weekly zoom meetings

    Support with extracurricular activity recommendations

    Assistance in researching best fit & match colleges and developing a college list

    Support brainstorming college essay topics

    College essay creation and feedback

    Support developing an admissions strategy for top-tier colleges

    Support identifying competitive summer programs

    College application completion support

    Assistance with Financial Aid, CSS Profile, and scholarship applications

    College Application deadline management

    Support organizing all college materials (e.g. college portals, passwords, log-ins, etc.)

    Support analyzing each financial aid award letter and recommendations to the family on the best financial fit

    Support developing college essays/short answers. Unlimited feedback

    Support finding and applying for scholarships & more

    *Schedule a free consultation to discuss your goals and identify which package might be best for you.